Triumph Against All Odds - One Family's Story of Love & Perseverance

Triumph Against All Odds - One Family's Story of Love & Perseverance

from $20.91

Please join us to meet Afschineh Latifi, the author of the book “Even After All This Time” and learn about her family’s survival.   “Even After All This Time,” is a heart-wrenching story of a family torn apart by war and violence and the two little girls who found themselves alone in America.  The book is a testament to her mother and father who taught their children about courage, love and honor and who gave them the inner strength they needed to achieve their dreams in a new land. 

An Iranian lunch will be served and the author will be signing books after the presentation. 

You can find the book on Amazon:

When:  Tuesday, April 1st

Time:  12 pm

Members:  $20

Non-members:  $25

A credit card processing fee will be added to your payment
