Our Mission


The mission of the Women’s Club of Glen Ridge is to bring together a diverse group of women in an inclusive environment who, through friendship, volunteerism, education and leadership, engage in civic, social and cultural activities to serve the Club and the greater Glen Ridge community.



Serving the Community

Since 1905

Founded in 1905 the Women’s Club has been successfully fulfilling its mission since its inception and remains a vibrant and vital organization today.  The Club hosts social gatherings, educational programs and cultural events. Departments sponsor monthly meetings that feature speakers across a broad range of topics; the Club publishes a quarterly newsletter, Signpost.  Other activities include informal cocktail parties, luncheons, yoga, book discussions and day trips to the surrounding area.  While enriching minds and creating friendships, Club events and activities raise funds that serve to fulfill our philanthropic goals and maintain our historic clubhouse

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The Clubhouse

In the early years, Club members met in various locations including private homes, schools and churches. Membership grew rapidly because of interest in the civic projects the Club was pursuing.  In 1925 the impossible dream of a clubhouse became a reality.  A beautiful brick Georgian Colonial Revival building was completed at the corner of Ridgewood Avenue and Snowden Place. Mr. Henry S. Chapman, who lived at the Sunnycrest Estate at 204 Ridgewood Avenue (where the high school now stands) was the sole benefactor of the clubhouse. The building was erected as a memorial to his beloved wife.A plaque remains on the building today recognizing it as the Emily M. Chapman Memorial.  The clubhouse is a generous gift treasured and cared for by the members.  


Board of Directors

President - Susan Costa

Co-Vice President - Liz Seebode-Zazzali

Co-Vice President - Trisha Turiano

Finance Committee - Kathleen Weissenberger

Treasurer - Mary Jean Potenzone

Assistant Treasurer - Alexandra Schwarz

Recording Secretary - Anu Negi Moyer

Corresponding Secretary - AnnMarie Linke

Girls’ Club Advisory - Carmen Pence

Grounds Committee - Margo Garrison

Hospitality Committee - Janice Delaporte

House Committee - Laura Cohen

Membership Committee - Monica Gelinas

Nominating Committee - Dayna Nicles

Public Relations Committee - Andrea Fleitas

Rental Committee - Mary Louise Malyska

Signpost Editor - Amy Luka

Social Committee - Leslie Convey

Social Committee - Annie Rohling

Ways & Means Committee - Open

Art Department - Geraldine Cordera

Art Department - Debra Phillips-Kunkel

Community Service Department - Sharon Harms

Drama Department - Kristy Graves

Family Department - Open

Home & Garden Department - Janet Spoerl

International Affairs Department - Ann Nicol

Literature Department - Pam Colledge

Literature Department - Sashy Bogdanovich

Music Department - Lyn Vaux

Religions, Spirituality & Wellness - Alicia Dee